TUDR     081211     .>>>

 Words of the Earth




And click it

Thanks, J,  you helped

Me run back and forth

Back and forth

In the black box

Yelling and sore

Hello my love

I love u my heart to you my love

Kiss me and hold me and tell me you love me

I don't hear it enough

I don't hear it at all

The money don't make me whole

Gold, Gucci and panty hose

Terra cotta eyelashes

And Art Deco fingernails at

85th street salon glmr


You ain’t doing too well!

Your heart has stopped

And your arm is over there

i stopped saying i love you

so you don't associate my actions and words with love

I don't forget you

in the way u think i do

you took me away

i fell in

i scrape

"i love u"

with a nail into my desk

before i send it out to sea

to float with the other desks

to bob and knock against each other

and rot

until a stormy night

when the desks roll up on the beaches

and are met by desk-less office workers

“this is not Office Depot, but this will do”

they will say

as they take the soggy desks back 

to the office

3:26 pm


The grasp of the english language is 

rudimentary at best

Greetings From The Seven Horses

(in unison)


On A Transfiguration of Bliss

this is the blue of the emerald sea


You think about me. 

I like you. 

I lit a candle and I'm drinking tea 

and thinking about filmmaking. 

You always ask me what I'm doing 

and I like that you imagine me doing 

what I'm telling you I'm doing.

We skipped stoned

In a way

Back home

Back home

In a way

Chicago opens you with open arms

Covered in sand and sun and rum

You're a sound creature

color creature

fish eating dropped into the great



i forgive u

all i have is death

and emotions

what humans are life in death in emotion

are not separated

just mere mortal words to help our human brains understand how it is.

Words of the Earth

I am sweating on blue on white on tan

and on neal green tangerine sea.

I am sweating on highlight


Greetings To The Seven Horses








instructions for mouth

use your mouth to say something nice.

pass on instructions as necessary

do so kindly

I'm sitting on this couch

Looking to the right

Imagining you are there

I'm thinking about better days

Reflections Pt 1

I’m not a doctor by choice.

I’m not a bag of peanuts by choice, either. 



Now I know what you mean

After that

Strict three after-me-woa-sh

That's exactlyyy what I mean

I kicked a stone

It's the end of the world

There's nothing else to do today

it how it is

it is what it is

it’s what it is

it’s what it’s


I sat dry

All The Beautiful People Walk Among Us, We Are Them


Pt 2

From the wonderful monks on white st.


Sitting wet


iZZ VOL. 2:   january 2024

iZZ VOL. 1:    teia   objkt    opensea

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